Disney with Special Needs: Dare We Go for the Trifecta?

If you’ve been with me for a while you know that my family was planning a trip to Disney for Thanksgiving but ended up having to change our plans. Womp, womp. That was a pretty difficult pill to swallow, and definitely put a damper on our holiday. Now that we’re a couple of weeks separated from that fateful day, though, I’m looking at it with a totally new perspective. We didn’t get to go for Thanksgiving, but that means that I’m still getting to be excited and looking forward to going. Yay! Read more


The Not So Magical Truth of Off-Season Traveling to Disney World

Last time we discussed the busy season and the not so busy seasons of traveling to Disney World. As I mentioned before, these posts are intended to educate you prior to travel as we truly feel that if you travel to Disney World informed you will have the most magical vacation regardless of the time of year. No matter what time of year you travel there will be a downside but what I can tell you is that regardless of the downsides in my professional opinion I would always recommend traveling to Disney World during the off-season. Read more
