Simple Disney World Thoughts

As an avid Walt Disney World fan and frequent visitor I am always thinking about everything Disney World!!  While I was doing a little Disney research a while back I stumbled upon some questions in a forum and they made me think . On a daily basis I am seeing hundreds of opinions from various Disney fans on every topic under the sun; restaurant thoughts, best snack options, best ride for x age, what time to hit what ride and so on and so forth.  One thing that I notice is that we all look at Walt Disney World through very different eyes and what one may think is simply splendid, another may think is not so great!  This very reason is why I believe that there is truly something for everyone at Walt Disney World!

So here are some Disney thoughts for you….


My Favorite Disney Things: Belinda Loves Mickey’s Philharmagic

Please join me in welcoming Belinda as an official writer for The Affordable Mouse. You may remember some guest posts she has done in the past, and I am thrilled that she is now a permanent part of our family! 🙂 Welcome Belinda!!

There I am waiting in line, feeling the anticipation of the wonderment that awaits me inside this beautiful theater. The line moves, there I am going in to grab my seat, with tissues in hand, I stake my place. I then wait patiently as my heart pounds with emotional excitement for the most wonderful 3D show Disney has every created. Read more


My Favorite Disney Things: Three…Two…One… BLAST OFF!

“They’re getting ready to drop it…are you ready?”

“Yes, I’m ready!”

“Here it comes….GO! GO! GO!”

That was a typical start to a day at the Magic Kingdom back when my sister and I visited as teens. We would be at the park as soon as it opened, make a mad dash to the rope, wait patiently for rope drop, and then book it straight to Space Mountain.

Space Mountain was our favorite ride back then. The most thrilling of all the rides at Magic Kingdom, bar none, and we loved it! It was impossible to ride without wasting hours of your day in line, unless you got there first thing. The ride has changed a lot since then, as we used to actually end up sitting in each other’s laps (ha), but 30+ years later, it remains an MK favorite to millions. Read more


My Favorite Disney Things: Debbie’s Favorites

Walt Disney World entrancephoto via

As I sat down thinking about my favorite things at Walt Disney World my mind kept wandering to all the wonderful trips I have taken over the past 15 plus years. I was not lucky enough to visit Disney World until I was in my mid thirties, so I didn’t have the pleasure of enjoying it as a child – ok, at least not a child in years!  I’m just one of the many older kids you see walking around Disney with a goofy looking grin on my face, skipping around the parks and looking every bit the kid I am inside.

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My Favorite Disney Things: Kelly’s Favorites

We are focusing on our favorite things here at The Affordable Mouse. While I really do love everything at Walt Disney World there are those things that I could not do without on any trip to Disney. You know…those things that even though how small they are you simply need to see, smell, touch or ride them in order to feel fulfilled at Disney.

Sit back relax and grab an ice cold beverage as I share my very favorite things about Walt Disney World. Oh yeah, after you read my favorite things…I would love to know some of your favorite things too. 🙂 Read more
