Disney Vacation Planning: What Should We do the Evening We Arrive?

World of Disney
photo via https://flic.kr/p/oEbhmG

Imagine this: it’s late afternoon when your flight gets in. You make it to your resort and  get everyone settled in. You don’t have a park day planned until tomorrow. What do you do now? If this sounds like a predicament you might find yourself in, I have some suggestions to help you out. Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Taking Selfies

14615601_10154117314601234_8291656238732626980_oDisney made a rule awhile back that selfie-sticks were no longer allowed in the parks. While I am not a fan of the selfie-stick, I can see how they can be helpful at other places rather than the parks. But in the parks, I am so glad Disney enforces the no-selfie-stick rule. These can be very annoying when watching a show and dangerous on rides, especially on low clearance rides. Read more


Disney Vacation Planning: A Relaxing Day at The Spa

When going on a Disney vacation, most people think about what park they’re going to and what rides they’ll be going on.  What is often overlooked are the extras Disney has available, even at their own resorts.  One such overlooked thing are the spas.  This is something typically associated with vacations, yet with Disney it is not.  However, you may want to consider visiting one of the spas at Disney World: like everything else at Disney they are magical.  There are several different spas on property, so you just have to decide what kind of experience you are looking for. Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Disney Entertainment Extras

There’s no question that there is a lot to do at Walt Disney World. What many folks don’t realize though, is that there is a “world” of fun beyond the rides and attractions. There are plenty of fun entertainment extras that may seem small, but just add to the magic – and you won’t even need a FastPass! Best of all, there is no extra cost for them either, so be sure to take time to check them out to make the most of your park tickets!  Read more
