Planning a Perfect First Disney Trip With Little Ones

Planning your first vacation to Walt Disney World with small children? Here are my 10 tips for a fantastic Disney trip with little ones (especially for first timers). Read more


Time to Start Planning Your 2022 Disney Vacation

Ready to Book Your 2022 Disney World Vacation? 

If you want to start planning your next Disney vacation – but prefer to wait until 2022 – we can now book packages up to 500 days in advance….which is through the early July 2022!

This is the perfect way to have the excitement of having a trip to look forward to AND have well over a year to pay it off!

Ready to get started planning some 2022 magic for your family? 
Contact me for a free quote today! 
Wondering how I can help you? See what some of my clients think!


Learn how the FREE services of a travel agent can make planning your vacation simple and STRESS FREE! 

Planning a vacation this year? Get your questions answered in my FREE guide: What You Need to Know About Traveling in 2021


Creating a Budget for Your Disney Vacation

If you are like me, it’s always time to plan a vacation.  Even if I’m not traveling for a long time, there’s nothing like having a magical Disney vacation to look forward to! And with everything we’ve all been through this past year, why not get those vacation-planning juices going, even if just to have something happy to look forward to?

With this in mind, we will start at the very beginning of vacation planning – with a budget.  Read more


Navigating the Disney Park Pass System

On Monday, Disney Parks launched a brand new way to experience the Walt Disney World Resort – the Disney Park Pass system. This process will allow Disney Parks to manage attendance during the parks’ phased reopening period – and for the foreseeable future. During this time, all Guests with valid admission will be required to make a reservation in advance for each park entry, using this new online tool. If you have a trip to Walt Disney World planned for this year or much of next, you’ll want to know how this process works. Read more


What’s in Your Disney Parks Bag?

When traveling to Disney World with small children, you need lots of stuff.  You can use a large bag, or everyone can have their own separate bag. There are pros and cons to each, but one thing to keep in mind is don’t overfill! One mistake we made was cramming too many items into the kids’ bags. Everything we needed always ended up at the bottom of the bag, so the contents would erupt like a volcano all over Main Street as we frantically searched for that squished granola bar, simultaneously picking size 2T underwear up off the ground.  Read more
