Thursday Thoughts: Saying Good Bye to an Old Friend

One of Walt Disney’s guiding philosophies as he built Disneyland (and the Disney brand in general) is that the Disney company should always be ready to “try something new”. In fact, one of my favorite Walt Disney quotes speaks to just this:

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

I think it is safe to say that this continues to be one of the missions of the Disney company – whether movies or theme parks – there is always something new. Of course, that is a big part of what keeps us going back to the Disney parks, because there is ALWAYS something new to see or do!  Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Is it Real or is it Disney-Made?

16487543_10154436163596234_1149501505731170487_oIf you have spent a lot of time in Walt Disney World or even read a lot about the “Most Magical Place on Earth”, you know that not everything you see or encounter is real, much of it is man-made. How else would incredible trees stand higher than most buildings in Florida and still have a theater below them or support the Swiss Family Robinson’s amazing home! Read more


Wordless Wednesday: A Broom + Water = Disney Art!

The next time you’re walking down Main Street at the Magic Kingdom, be on the lookout for Cast Members with brooms! Most are there keeping the park clean, but there are a few there that may provide a little entertainment with a broom and water as well. The sun doesn’t usually allow them to last very long but if you are lucky enough to see one, you will be amazed to see how these talented Cast Members create pieces of water art! Read more


Thursday Thoughts: Epcot’s International Festival of the Arts

14559942_10102369409706024_6358262247775587500_oDisney knows a good thing when they have it, and with the huge success of fall’s Food and Wine Festival, and spring’s Flower and Garden Festival, there is a new festival in town this year and it sounds super cool! The Epcot International Festival of the Arts is the ultimate cultural celebration as food, art and entertainment perfectly merge into an event to be held weekends, from January 13 to February 20. Read more
