Exploring Disney: Join Me As We Enter—The Twilight Zone

Planning a Disney vacation is one of the great joys of my life. I love getting down to the nitty-gritty with all the little details, having my days mapped out in front of me, and thinking about everything from what our room is going to look like, to what snacks we’ll discover, to when I’m climbing aboard my favorite rides. A big part of this, of course, is dreaming about my resort hotel. For others, all this planning and preparing sounds more like a nightmare.

Now what if we could combine both? Let’s go explore a fabulous, dreamy resort that is a true nightmare. I invite you to join me at Hollywood Studios and enter…the Twilight Zone. You can imagine me saying that in the deep Ron Sterling voice should you so wish. I so wish…so go ahead. Read more


Exploring Disney: The Wonders of World Showcase

There is a lot to love about Walt Disney World, but I would have to say that for my family, our “favorite” thing is probably Epcot’s World Showcase. Not any particular attractions in here, just basically the entire place. 🙂

If I could live here, I would and here’s why….. Read more


Exploring Disney: Socializing with Grim Grinning Ghosts

The time has come. We’ve explored Main Street, blasted through Tomorrowland, splashed Under the Sea, dug for gems. These are adventures I love, but they are just supplements to my real heart when it comes to the Magic Kingdom. If you’ve been with me for a while, you won’t be surprised by this reveal. If you haven’t, it’s a great way to get to know me. Either way, get comfy. We’re going deep into the far back corner of the park, where a mysterious house stands, a relic from the past that welcomes you to explore — and maybe to stay.

We’re visiting the Haunted Mansion. Read more


Disney with Kids: The LEGO Store

No trip to Walt Disney World would be complete (at least not for my kids) without a trip to Disney Springs and more specifically, a trip to The LEGO Store. The store is located in the Marketplace near the massive, can’t-miss World of Disney Store. Sure, we have The LEGO Store in our local mall in Indianapolis, so what’s so special about The LEGO Store at Disney Springs? Everything! Read more


Exploring Disney: DiVine at Animal Kingdom

photo via https://flic.kr/p/8E5cNu

I have been to Walt Disney World more times than I can count, so it is always a pleasant surprise for me when I find something new. A while back when visiting Animal Kingdom, I saw a performer I had not seen before. Her name is DiVine. She blends into nature and is often mistaken for ivy. Read more
