A Few Haunting Disney Tales

Editor’s Note: As Halloween approaches, I am re-running one of my favorite posts about a few “not so scary” Walt Disney World tales. Enjoy! 

With Halloween almost here and all your bags of Halloween candy ready for trick or treaters, why not get in the mood with a few haunting tales from Walt Disney World?  Of course Disney never wants to make things too scary because they’re all about guests of all ages enjoying their stay and having a not so scary Halloween along side the characters.  So whether you’ll be with Mickey and his friends in your favorite costume, or staying home in your Halloween best, here’s a few tales from the magical world of Disney to get you in the mood. Read more


Disney Vacation Planning: A Relaxing Day at The Spa

When going on a Disney vacation, most people think about what park they’re going to and what rides they’ll be going on.  What is often overlooked are the extras Disney has available, even at their own resorts.  One such overlooked thing are the spas.  This is something typically associated with vacations, yet with Disney it is not.  However, you may want to consider visiting one of the spas at Disney World: like everything else at Disney they are magical.  There are several different spas on property, so you just have to decide what kind of experience you are looking for. Read more


Disney Vacation Planning: Rider Swap

Have you ever wanted to go on some ride but your children didn’t?  It happens, it happens everywhere including the happiest place on Earth.  Disney is no exception for having rides that children may not want to go on (or unable to go on….think height requirements).  Happily, there is a solution to that problem, so that if your little one doesn’t want to go on the ride it doesn’t mean that one of the adults has to miss out anymore.  Just do a child swap! Read more


Disney Vacation Planning: Tips for Lost Disney Parents

If you’ve ever been to Walt Disney World during “peak season” you know that the parks can be busy. And even during the less busy seasons, there are still a lot of people! Although this may not bother most kids, it can make some parents nervous.  Disney is a very safe place with tons of Cast Members all over the place.  Not only are they there to help with any questions and helping lines move quickly and effectively, but they are also there to help the children.  Children are never lost in Disney, it is the parents who can’t keep up that are lost. Read more


Special Dining Needs at Disney: Dining With a Food Allergy

IMG_3811The Walt Disney Company loves to take care of its guests in every possible way they can. One very special way where Disney truly excels is the care that they provide their Guests with special dining needs. Read more
