Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Take a Vacation

Last Tuesday was National Plan for Vacation Day. Did you know that was actually a thing?

It really is and is celebrated on the last Tuesday in January, as a day to encourage Americans to plan their vacation days for the whole year at the start of the year— and inspire them to use those days to travel.

Why? Because starting in 2015, when travel industry analysts began to track things like American vacation usage, studies were consistently showing that people weren’t actually using the vacation days that they had. Which is actually a pretty big deal – because taking much needed time off from work is good for us. Vacations increase both our physical and mental health, as well as positively affect our personal relationships, and even our job performance.

In other words, we need that time off – and National Plan for Vacation Day helps to highlight just how taking time off to travel is beneficial! We know that taking vacations reduces stress and improves mental health, among other things. Traveling can even make you more creative! In addition, vacations are among the most important things we can do for our families, and are remembered by children more than any physical gift we give them.

And while most of us, when we think about it, know that travel makes us happier, sometimes it isn’t until we are in the midst of starting to plan a vacation – and we realize we have something awesome to look forward to – that it really sinks in how even just the planning phase improves our mood.

(If you were one of many who had to postpone or cancel a trip in the past two years, you know only too well how much it stung. And how depressed you felt afterwards.)

We travel professionals aren’t immune to this either! I’m not a big “winter lover” and my mood noticeably drops every year the minute the Christmas decorations come down. But when I booked two vacations for us this coming year last weekend – boy did my mood improve drastically! There’s something to look forward to again!

So, if you’ve already planned a vacation (or 2 or 3!) this year, bravo!!

But if you haven’t yet – don’t delay! Taking that well-earned time off will, among other things, improve your physical and mental health, and increase your overall happiness.

And honestly, after the past two years, don’t we all deserve something happy to look forward to?

Learn how the FREE services of a travel agent can make planning your vacation simple and STRESS FREE! 


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