Wordless Wednesday: Spaceship Earth

Probably everyone who visits Walt Disney World has a favorite “icon”: that one structure, building, or sign that just warms your heart and tells you that yes, you are back in that magical place you love. For many it is probably Cinderella’s Castle.

For me it is the stunning beauty of  Spaceship Earth that tells me that I am home at last.


Wordless Wednesday: A Quiet Spot at the Beach Club

One of the things that I really love at Disney’s Beach Club is this little sitting room, tucked away off to the side, on the way to the Beach Club Villas.  A sunny, tranquil setting, it’s a great spot to relax peacefully with a cup of coffee and the morning paper…or have an evening chat with a friend. Just goes to show, some of the best things about Walt Disney World are not found in the parks.


Wordless Wednesday: A Yankee Doodle Dandy

In honor of Independence Day, there are several places at Walt Disney World where you can patriotically celebrate the good ole’ USA. Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom is one. Another is at the American Adventure in Epcot’s World Showcase. While you are there, watch out for this fine gentleman and his friends, and you will get a great demonstration of what it means to be a Yankee Doodle Dandy. Have a wonderful Fourth of July!
