Located at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Starring Rolls Cafe is a deliciously wonderful way to start your Disney day! With a huge variety of pastries, rolls, bagels….and yes there’s some healthy items too 🙂 ……there is something yummy for everyone. It’s a not-to-be-missed stop for us on every visit to Hollywood Studios!
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wenesday: Jungle Cruise…an Oldie but a Still a Goodie
Once upon a time, Jungle Cruise was the coolest thing around when it came to animals and Disney World. The idea that you could take a boat ride on some of the “rivers of the world” and have someone guide you as you drifted by wild animals and headhunters…well unless you were planning a real trip down the Amazon, this was the next best thing. In Disney style of course. Then Disney’s Animal Kingdom was born…and suddenly those animatronic “wild” animals seemed sort of…..well not very wild, at least not compared to the real thing.
But I don’t think that has lessened the charm of Jungle Cruise. I still think the animals are pretty awesome, and I still totally appreciate the technology that created them. It really is an amazing attraction!
Of course, the Boat Guides are pretty darn entertaining themselves….. 🙂
Many thanks to Brenda for this great photo!
Wordless Wednesday: Main Street Electrical Parade
It was big news when this Disney classic returned to Walt Disney World last summer. With the great floats, catchy music and of course the lights, it’s pretty easy to see why. There’s nothing like a good parade…and of course no one does a parade like Disney.
Wordless Wednesday: What Makes Me Smile at Disney World
It never gets old for me….not the attraction, not the dolls, not even the song. To me, there is just something about It’s a Small World that is just inherently happy. And hopeful. That someday, somehow, the beautiful scene at the end of the ride where children of all lands just play together in harmony….may actually happen one day. This ride always makes me smile….as does the hope that one day this may actually happen. Disney’s all about magic, right?
Wordless Wednesday: Nighttime Disney Magic
Most people probably find Cinderella’s Castle in the Magic Kingdom to be the lovely symbol of all that is beautiful and magical about Walt Disney World. Seeing the Castle by night however, adds one more adjective to the description: breathtaking.