Wordless Wednesday: Mickey’s Sorcerer Hat

I know that many people don’t like the Sorcerer’s hat addition to Hollywood Studios…but I have to admit that I kind of like it. Maybe it’s because I have always loved Fantasia, and especially Sorcerer Mickey. But probably the main reason I like it is because it’s a great and immediately identifiable icon for this park, in a way that the “water tower” never quite did it for me.

I would love to know what you think about it?

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Wordless Wednesday: Doorway to a Magical Journey

One of the most exciting parts of a Disney cruise is the beginning: taking those first steps through a magical doorway that leads to who-knows-what-kind-of-adventure on the high seas? Oh….and the fact that the doorway to the Disney ships is shaped like giant Mickey ears is more than a little cool too. 🙂

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Wordless Wednesday: Main Street USA Windows

Walking down Main Street USA, while your gaze may be transfixed by that Castle at the end, take a few moments to look at the windows. The names of the “proprietors” of the Main Street shops are displayed….and you might find some of them quite interesting! 🙂

Many thanks to Brenda for this great photo!

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