Happy happy weekend everyone! The Disney Blog-World was in overdrive this week:
there were so many great things to read and enjoy I had a hard time getting anything else done (but who really needs to do laundry or groceries, right?). So let’s get to it: sit back, relax and let’s visit some of our favorite Disney Blog friends to see what they were up to this week:
Chip and Co. writers were a busy bunch as usual. Ken shared a favorite of his (and mine) in Best Things I Love About Disney – The Carousel Of Progress and then Mike discussed celebrating Birthdays at Walt Disney World: Let the Fun Begin! Lastly, Brenda had another touching Wednesday with Walt: A Powerful Force. Be sure to read this wonderful glimpse into a very special man.
Our friend Disney Bird continues sharing her Disney vacation planning. This week she discussed Disney Training as well her plans for her daughter’s autograph book/journal: Another Use for the Trip Journal
Disney Dispatch ALWAYS provides me with a chuckle. This week I learned about some great MouseMerch that is going to have me approach souvenir shopping in a whole new way. And I thoroughly enjoyed Ashley’s column, Because I Stinkin’ Love Disney World, where she shared her recent experiences at 50’s Prime Time Cafe. Anyone who has tried to “mind their manners” while there will appreciate her challenge…
Disney Driven Life had a couple of articles that I especially enjoyed this week. FINANCIAL ADVICE FROM WALT DISNEY offered more insight into how inspirational Walt Disney can be. And then WHY DISNEY IS MAGICAL discusses…..just that. Have kleenex ready for this one.
I always thought I loved Disney…until I saw this post from Disney Guru: A Collection of Dreams and Inspiration. I feel like a rank amateur now.
Wondering how the construction is going on with the Fantasyland expansion? Disney Parks Blog offered a glimpse into how things are looking with the Beast Castle: Behind the Scenes With Walt Disney Imagineers
And for those of you who are always trying to figure out which Disney promotion will help you save the most money (which is, of course, all of us…) be sure to read this from Meltdown Free Disney: When Is A Special Offer Really Special?
And let’s end things with this fun…and though-provoking post from Stuart at WDW Fan Zone. Stuart asks, What Disney Attraction Best Describes Your Personality? Think about it! I am still trying to figure out mine! What about you? 🙂
That’s it for this week Disney Friends! Hope your weekend is truly magical!