Want the Secret on How to Get the Best Price for Your Vacation?

You know that saying about “the early bird gets the worm”?

While most people think that waiting for a *last minute deal* is the best way to save money on their vacation, the fact is that most of the time, the opposite is true. Especially now as the demand for travel continues to grow – if you wait until a few weeks or a month before you want to go, you’ll likely find few (if any) available options, and correspondingly higher prices for what is available.

Because supply and demand. More demand + less supply equals higher prices. Read more


Why Cheapest Isn’t Always Best When It Comes to Travel

Everyone wants to know they’re getting the best possible price for their vacation – but how do you actually do that?

Do you scour “discount” travel sites that offer trips at cheap prices? Do you grab that Groupon that just showed up in your email? Do you ask thousands of people you don’t know in a Facebook group? Do you book the inn that your Aunt Martha said was a great deal when she and Uncle Harry visited there 20 years ago?

The answer actually starts with two truths that you probably heard as a kid:

  1. You get what you paid for.
  2. If it seems too good to be true – it probably is.

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