Five More Tips for Saving Money on Your Disney Vacation

Last week we shared a few tips for saving money on your Disney vacation. This week, we have more tips and to start, let’s chat about souvenirs. Because let’s face it, not too many people can go to Walt Disney World and not buy something to remember their favorite place. So here are a few ideas to help save money on something that could easily get out of hand, along with a couple of other tips to help your wallet on your Disney vacation. Read more


Five Tips for Saving Money on Your Disney Vacation

Unless you just won the lottery (in which case, will you be my new BFF?), chances are you are looking for some ways to save money on your Disney vacation. While visiting Walt Disney World or Disneyland is magical, it’s most definitely not free. It does not, however, need to break the bank and you don’t have to borrow from your childrens’ college savings to go either. What you do need to do however, is plan. Using some of the “Savings Tips” we are sharing today and next week will help too! Here are 5 favorites: Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Smorgasbord of Saving Tips!

This week I’m offering a smorgasbord or hodge-podge of saving tips for your Disney vacation, with both money savers but also sanity-savers!  This week I traveled by air (no, not on broomstick, I went by plane) instead of my usual 4-wheeled mode of transportation.  What an experience!  Read more
