Cast Member’s Corner: I Just Can’t Wait to Go Back To Disney!

It’s no question, when you’re not at Disney you miss it.  Even when you just leave the property gates!  So it’s no wonder many people do everything they can to keep Disney in their lives even when they can’t be there.  I am no different.  Some may have thought that since I worked there I would be tired of it (I know, blasphemy!).  That just isn’t the case.  When I worked at Disney I was still in the parks on my days off.  If I didn’t go into a park I at least made it to Downtown Disney and I did not get sick of it one bit!  To this day I tell everyone who asks, that working at Disney was the best job I have ever had.  When I retire from teaching I plan on going back down to Orlando and working at Disney again.  So is it any wonder that I would incorporate as much Disney in my daily life as possible? Read more
