Six Caribbean Islands That Have Everything Hawaii Has – Just a Lot Closer

For many folks, a tropical island vacation means a vacation to the Hawaiian islands, and for good reason. With its one-of-a-kind culture, spectacular beaches, and endless room for adventure, to say nothing of the majestic waterfalls, volcanoes, and rugged mountain landscapes waiting to be explored – the appeal of a vacation to Hawaii is obvious.

Until they look at the flights.

When travelers realize that most flights from the west coast of the U.S. are at least 6 hours – along with the cost of that airfare – for many, that is the end of their dreams of a vacation in paradise.

But it’s not necessary to give up hope of enjoying a tropical vacation on a beautiful island. There are a number of Caribbean islands which match Hawaii in beauty (and some would say even better than what you can experience in the Hawaiian Islands). Best of all, you can generally fly to the Caribbean from the U.S. mainland within a few hours, so you can enjoy that exotic experience without flying halfway around the world. (And the airfare is a lot less expensive too!) Read more
