See the USA: It’s Apple-Picking Time!

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When fall rolls around, visions of things like pumpkins (or pumpkin spice!), scarecrows, hayrides, and Halloween come to mind. If you’re like me, chances are that apples – and the associated apple pie, apple cider, apple crisp, apple strudel etc. – are also part of what makes autumn so special. In fact, a trip to your nearby apple orchard may be a time-honored tradition for your family. After all, there’s something distinctly “fall” about the fun of picking a bushel of apples on a crisp and sunny Saturday afternoon, followed by sampling cider and maybe even some local homemade baked goods.

You can certainly plan an enjoyable weekend outing to your local apple orchard, but why not plan a long(er) trip to an area where you can combine apple picking with other local sites and create an enjoyable mini-vacation in the process?  While there are thousands of apple orchards scattered throughout the United States, here are ten orchards that would all make a great excuse for a long weekend or vacation. Read more
