As I mentioned in a recent article, it is important for my family to build in some “rest” days during our Walt Disney World vacations. I use the term rest lightly because while some people may take that as an opportunity to snooze until brunch-time, that’s just not how my family rolls. Sleeping in is sleeping until 8 so we are up and at ’em pretty early most days, whether we are on vacation or not. Since my 2 little boys are bursting with energy first thing, we try to take advantage of the time to do something active. We had 2 full days to do whatever park-free activities we chose during our most recent trip. Our first day was a pool and laundry day followed by a leisurely evening spent at Downtown Disney. Read more
disney outside the parks
Disney Outside the Parks: Mickey Goes Racing
I have lived in Indiana for more than 10 years. Therefore, the month of May is something of a local holiday culminating with the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing,” aka the Indianapolis 500, on the last Sunday of May. The first time I went to the race, I went with my college roommate thinking, “It’s a once in a lifetime experience.”