If you are looking for a place to cool down after a day in the parks, head on over to the River Roost Lounge in Disney’s Port Orleans Riverside Resort. It’s a great place to relax yet have a TON of fun! Read more
disney dining
Wordless Wednesday: The Food and Wine Festival is Coming!
The International Food & Wine Festival at Epcot is quickly approaching! If you’ve been looking for an excuse to visit Walt Disney World, the fall is a great time! Beautiful weather, less crowds and eating amazing foods “around the world”…..it’s truly the most delicious time of the year! Read more
Thrifty Thursday: Do You REALLY Need ADRs?
“So you’re going to Walt Disney World in 4 months, how wonderful! Have you made your dining reservations yet?”
And so starts a conversation that I have had many times with folks who are planning their first Disney vacation. The puzzled look I usually get in return, as they try to figure out why on earth any sane person would make dining reservations months in advance, always makes me chuckle….because at this point, I don’t have the heart to tell them there have been times that I have gotten up at 6 a.m. for 4 straight days trying to book our dining reservations… and of course, I am doing the same for my clients as well. Read more
Thrifty Thursday: Is the Disney Dining Plan Right For You?
When folks ask for my help with planning their Disney vacations, once the dates are decided, there are then usually two major discussions that we have. The first is, where to stay. And the second is, should they get a Dining Plan? So let’s chat about this today, because like most things about planning a Disney vacation, the answer depends on your family. Read more
Thrifty Thursday: Saving with Character Meals
Believe it or not, character dining at Disney World is a smart way to save.
Think about it: on vacation, time is money. Every second you wait in line to meet with Cinderella is another second you’re not riding Dumbo or watching your son dance along with the Main Street Philharmonic. Those are valuable seconds! Read more