Movies, Music, Sports, and Fun at Disney’s All-Star Resorts

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When you’re looking for a value-priced resort hotel with a super fun theme, Disney’s 3 All-Star Resorts – All-Star Movies, All-Star Music, and All-Star Sports – are the perfect answer. Located near the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex, each resort has a similar layout and offers similar amenities, but differs in the resort theme, so whether your family enjoys sports, music, or movies, there’s an All Stars Resort for you! Read more


Wordless Wednesday: Just a Bucket and a Broom

Anyone who has seen the movie Fantasia, will appreciate this area of Disney’s All Star Movies Resort at Walt Disney World. While the broom and bucket brigade had some serious consequences for Sorcerer Mickey in the movie, personally I have always thought that having a little clean up help at times wouldn’t be a bad thing. Read more


Disney’s All Star Movies: Lights, Camera, Action!

Traveling down West Buena Vista Drive, past the giant basketball hoops and the larger than life musical instruments, you will find a collection of favorite Disney film icons at the All-Star Movies.  Typical of the other All-Star hotels there are five sets of buildings; 101 Dalmatians, Mighty Ducks, Fantasia, Love Bug and Toy Story.  Each building has 2-story, larger than imaginable, characters that distinguish the theme of the building.   The four 101 Dalmatian and Toy Story buildings are in prime proximity to the main building and the bus stops.

As with all the All-Star hotels, the bus stops are in front of the main building. This tends to be the most common issue with the All-Stars, but I have not had too many delays in getting a bus to our destination.  Anytime the line has seemed impossibly long, along comes another bus.  I know some people will differ with me, but I guess luck has been on my side.

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