Don’t Let Travel Stress Get You Down: Say Goodbye to Worry and Hello to Adventure!

Our stress-free visit to the the Grand Canyon!

Do you stress out about travel?

If you do, you’re in good company, as research actually shows that a significant number of folks find traveling to be stressful – and the respondents could even identify what part of vacationing was the most stressful.

So, what do folks get the most anxious about when it comes to a vacation? It’s probably not what you’re thinking. Or maybe it is?

We often assume that travel stress is caused by airlines, traveling with children, and traveling to international destinations.


Research shows that trip planning is the most stressful aspect of vacation planning.

And what do folks find most stressful when it comes to trip planning?

Financial concerns, packing, making travel arrangements, and developing the itinerary are the top things that make vacationers stress out.

I get it – but I can help. That’s what I’m here for!

While I can’t pay for your trip, I can work with you to make payments along the way, and help you find the best price and most value for what you want. And while I can’t pack for you, I can tell you what you need to pack – and what you can (and should) leave at home.

But what about the travel arrangements and developing an itinerary? Vacations like cruises and all-inclusive resorts may not require tons of planning logistics, but what about visiting some real bucket list destinations? Places like America’s national parks, or historic sites? What about international destinations like Italy, or Greece, or Ireland? What if you’ve always wanted to see the northern lights but have no idea where to start?

Now the stress level begins to rise, right? How do I get from one place to the next? Where am I going to stay? What if the hotel I picked is a dump? How do I see what I want to see? How do I know what I don’t know?

Guess what? I can still help! I partner with some of the best guided tour operators around, that know how to make a bucket list vacation truly memorable – and truly stress-free.  Guided tours provide a completely hassle-free way to travel, as all the logistics are taken care of by the tour company. This leaves you free to enjoy your vacation without having to worry about a thing! I love just showing up and letting an experienced guide spend the next week dealing with all the details while I sit back and take it all in. No worries. It’s fabulous!

Traveling to explore new places should be a wonderful and memorable experience, not a source of stress. Let’s chat about your next adventure and how to make it worry-free.

I may even be able to give you some packing tips as well!

Find out how the services of a travel agent can make planning your next vacation simple and stress-free!   


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