Beat the Winter Blues with a Spring Break Getaway

The holidays are over and a bright, shiny new year has begun. If you’re like many (or at least like me), this time of year my thoughts immediately turn to travel, because having something fun (and potentially warm) is the best way to get through the post-holiday letdown and those winter doldrums.

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Celebrating the Holiday Season at Universal Orlando Resort

While spending the holidays in a theme park may seem like a strange way to celebrate, the fact is that places like Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World offer a number of fun ways to experience the season – without ever actually getting on a ride! Let’s take a look at some of the ways to get in the holiday spirit at the Universal Orlando Resort during the Christmas season. Read more


Why You Need Travel Insurance

Travel protection is something that I always recommend to my clients because a vacation is a very sizable investment to make, and….life happens. In my opinion, it only makes sense to do whatever you can to protect that investment. While I don’t take adding additional costs to a vacation lightly – and would never recommend anything that I did not think would benefit my clients – as I’ve said many times, it’s not always just the cost of something to consider, as the value you are getting is just (if not more) important. The value of a trip that is disrupted, and you lose tons of money as a result, is…….zero.  Read more


Your Flight is Cancelled, Now What?

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Last Friday morning, as I was getting ready to fly to Wisconsin for the wedding of our best friend’s daughter – a wedding where I was doing a reading – I noticed in my Southwest app that our evening flight was already showing delayed. I thought that was a bit odd so many hours before our flight, so I kept checking all day long, and kept watching the delay steadily increase to over 3 hours by late afternoon.

And then I got the dreaded alert: Cancelled. Read more


Why Cheapest Isn’t Always Best When It Comes to Travel

Everyone wants to know they’re getting the best possible price for their vacation – but how do you actually do that?

Do you scour “discount” travel sites that offer trips at cheap prices? Do you grab that Groupon that just showed up in your email? Do you ask thousands of people you don’t know in a Facebook group? Do you book the inn that your Aunt Martha said was a great deal when she and Uncle Harry visited there 20 years ago?

The answer actually starts with two truths that you probably heard as a kid:

  1. You get what you paid for.
  2. If it seems too good to be true – it probably is.

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