Disney Tips- What Should I Take and What Should I Leave?

If you are like me you are a planner. It is very important to be prepared when traveling to Disney because poor preparation can make or break the enjoyment of your vacation. When preparing for your days at the parks it may be helpful to know what you can take into the parks and those things that you should leave behind. Read more


Thrifty Thursday: How About a FREE Disney Sundae?

Many thanks to Kelly for sharing one of her great Money Saver tips with us, from her blog, Disney Guru today! 🙂

We just recently got back from a wonderful trip to Disney World. I just love that every time I am there, we learn new things!!! We stayed at Pop Century so this tip is for all of you Pop stayers out there. If you don’t stay at Pop but you know of a similar deal at your home resort please do share your findings in the comments section below. Read more


Disney Outside the Parks: The Sweet Side of Disney

photo via http://www.flickr.com/photos/harshlight/4526941119/

I am so excited to be hosting this new series called, Disney Outside the Parks! Disney has such a big impact on so many lives and the magical memories that we create with our loved ones stays with us forever. The one thing most of us dread about a Disney vacation, is coming home. A lot of people don’t realize that although they are no longer in Walt Disney World, they can still enjoy the magic of Disney. How you ask? That’s what I am here for! To show you ways and share ideas on how you and your family can bring the magic of Disney into your daily life! Read more


Disney Tips: Using the Disney Dining Plan Wisely

When you plan your Walt Disney World Vacation, food is often a key factor in your budgeting and planning experience. The Disney Dining Plan(DDP) can offer you great food and memorable meals with the ones you love. But beware, if you do not plan wisely you can end leaving your magical vacation feeling frustrated and like you wasted your time. Here are some Disney Dining Plan tips that are sure to help you leave your Disney vacation feeling full and magical!! Read more
