Wordless Wednesday: Roy Disney’s Legacy

Photo courtesy of Brenda

There is something about this sculpture of Roy O. Disney….Walt’s brother….and Minnie, that always, ALWAYS, makes me smile. The “unknown” brother who worked in Walt’s enormous shadow, Roy was, nevertheless, the force that made much of Walt’s magic actually happen. Walt dreamed it, but Roy figured out how to make it happen. Not as glamorous…but still necessary. Even after Walt’s death, Roy was still figuring out how to make it happen, and is the reason that Walt Disney World exists. Walt’s “Partners” sculpture with Mickey stands prominently, at the end of Main Street USA, in front of Cinderella’s Castle….but he points to the other end of Main Street where Roy sits contentedly with Minnie…..”Sharing the Magic”…..because the person making the magic happen is just as important as the person who dreams of the magic.


Wordless Wednesday: The Tree of Life

Pretty much everyone who comes to visit Disney’s Animal Kingdom stops, at some point, for a picture in front of the Tree of Life. This Disney icon, representing what Animal Kingdom is all about, is pretty hard to miss. But how many people stop at some point during their trip to actually walk around and LOOK at all the intricate carvings? The artwork on this Tree is amazing….and while I think that the attention to detail is clearly something that Disney excels at…..I do think that with these carvings, the Imagineers take “detail” to a whole new level.


Wordless Wednesday: Summer Dreams at Disney’s Hilton Head Island

It’s March. Winter’s days are numbered. In parts of the U.S. spring has already sprung and in the rest of the country, it will be “springing” soon. Here in the Affordable Mouse house, we’re thinking summer vacation…and while we won’t be visiting Disney’s Hilton Head resort this summer, fond memories of a magical vacation last summer are keeping us warm until summer officially arrives. 🙂


Wordless Wednesday: The Fantastic Fountains of Walt Disney World

I sometimes wonder if Walt Disney had a fascination with water. It certainly seems that way to me. Or maybe it’s just me. But with the many interesting fountains, and water areas at Disney World, I am always finding something to make me stop and watch for a minute. These fountains that spring UPwards near the Journey to Imagination Pavilion at Epcot are a perfect example. I just stand there in amazement and wonder: “How do they DO that?”


Wordless Wednesday: Looking Up at Disney World

One of the things that I learned on our recent trip to Walt Disney World was to always remember to “look down and look up”….because you will see the most interesting things that you never knew were there when you do! Wandering around World Showcase, I remembered to do this…and discovered a lovely orange tree in Morocco…with oranges! What a fun surprise. 🙂
