Wishes from the Poly Beach (via Mouse on the Mind)
Everyone wants tickets to the Wishes Dessert Party at Tomorrowland Terrace. What could be better? Awesome desserts, a great view and Tinkerbell flies right over your seat.
It’s kind of magical. But, at $20-30 for an adult ticket, it’s also kind of expensive.
Enter one very magical solution: The Polynesian Beach! Read more
Photo via http://www.flickr.com/photos/sammers05/8304395763/
Editor: As we prepare to welcome a New Year, many places are filled with end-of-the-year lists. With this in mind, Debbie thought it would be fun to do a Top 5 Disney World attractions list. Here then, is her Top 5 Terrific Disney attractions list:
When thinking about the Top 5, my mind immediately went to my 5 must-do rides. I decided instead to list the Top 5 Terrific Attractions that sum up what Walt Disney World is all about. So here we go………. Read more
Somewhat lost a bit in all the news about the New Fantasyland opening…is the fact that Test Track…a huge favorite over at Epcot….is back! And it looks awesome!
According to Disney, the new “reimagined” Test Track puts Guests “at the designer’s table for a multisensory experience as they create their own virtual concept vehicle before boarding a “SimCar” to race through a thrilling series of hills, hairpin turns and straightaways. The attraction zooms in on how meticulous vehicle design influences top performance on the open road and lets guests see how their virtual cars would perform.”
And if you, like me, are a huge fan of Test Track, then check out the video below to get an idea of what to expect:
Guess who will be in Disney this weekend!? Me!! Guess whose family was chosen to be part of a test group for the new Fast Pass Plus? Yep, you got it…our family!! Yipee!!
I thought I would write about what I know of the process so far, with a little “before” the trip post and then follow up with an “after” post to see how the whole thing goes. Read more
The Haunted Mansion has always been one of my “Must-dos” when in Magic Kingdom. I am not a horror film or haunted house type of person, nor do I like to be scared so Haunted Mansion is definitely up my alley. I have heard more than one child or adult for that matter say, “but I don’t like scary things”. Unless they are really afraid of the dark, I highly recommend riding this. Even my granddaughter, who at age 4, kept saying, “I don’t like the dark”, still really enjoyed it, well, except for the darkness. Read more
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