Planning the Perfect Multi-Generation Vacation

If you have ever thought about taking a “multi-generational” family vacation, you are not alone. Many families have discovered that spending valuable vacation time with extended family and across the generations is a wonderful way to foster closer family ties, and to create lifelong memories.

And when you combine a multi-generational trip with celebrating something special – such as a milestone birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement – a trip with extended family is even more special!

If planning a multi-generational trip sounds like the perfect way to enjoy time with family, (it is!) then what next? Where do you start? Where should you go? Aren’t there a lot of logistics to think about? Read more


Don’t Let Travel Stress Get You Down: Say Goodbye to Worry and Hello to Adventure!

Our stress-free visit to the the Grand Canyon!

Do you stress out about travel?

If you do, you’re in good company, as research actually shows that a significant number of folks find traveling to be stressful – and the respondents could even identify what part of vacationing was the most stressful.

So, what do folks get the most anxious about when it comes to a vacation? It’s probably not what you’re thinking. Or maybe it is?

We often assume that travel stress is caused by airlines, traveling with children, and traveling to international destinations.

Nope. Read more


Travel, Social Distancing, and Where We Go From Here

I think at this point, all of us, no matter where we live or what we do, have been impacted by COVID-19, and it’s pretty evident that we will be for a while in some fashion – although for how long and in what way is still unknown. Whether you are working from home, newly home-schooling your children, whether you or someone you love is a healthcare provider or first responder, whether you own a small business, or are an hourly wage earner, whether you have elderly loved ones or someone who is “at risk” or a high school/college graduate who is missing one of the most important times of their life…..all of us in some way are affected by the current situation.

And of course, those of us in the travel industry are no different. In fact, as some of the earliest news related to this novel corona virus came out, we were among the first to be affected as travel agents everywhere spent endless days handling the wave of changes and cancellations related to international, cruise, and domestic theme park travel, working to advise and help our clients and find the best possible outcomes for them. Read more
