Empty Nesters – Your International Travel Questions Answered

The world is just waiting for you to explore!

Do you have an “empty nest”? If you do, welcome to the club! Now that the kids are off to their own adventures, it’s your turn to explore the world! But – if you’re like many, planning that dream international trip will likely come with some questions.

Today, let’s explore 3 of the most common questions I have heard from clients – along with some answers to help you plan your international adventure. Read more


Adventures Abroad – What to Know for Your First International Trip

As you are reading this, my husband and I are on a bucket list vacation of our own, as we travel around Italy with Globus Tours. For 9 days we are visiting some of Italy’s most famous cities, and experiencing the food, the wine, the history, and art that makes Italy such a popular destination for so many.

While I’ve been planning this trip, it occurred to me that there are several things about international travel – and specifically European travel – that may be new for those going on their first vacation abroad.

So with that in mind, if you’re planning your own international bucket list trip, here are 5 things that you’ll want to think about. Read more
