Disney with Special Needs Parks Breakdown: Surviving Main Street U.S.A.

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about getting ready for a trip to Disney. We’ve talked about picking the right resort, packing, and even planning ahead for what to expect by watching videos online. We’ve also gone over some coping mechanisms for dealing with special needs once you hit the parks. Most of those coping mechanisms, however, are fairly general. When thinking back on my last trip (and the one before that, and the one before that…let’s be honest, just every time that I’ve been), though, I realized that I have different needs for different parts of the park.

So here I am to introduce you to our next sparkly blog series…Park Breakdown. Together we’re going to explore different areas of the parks and different rides so I can tell you what to expect, what to look out for, and how you can cope with these things in all your super hero glory. Read more


Disney with Special Needs: Filburt’s Triumphant Return! Maybe

If you have been following any of the Disney news recently then you know that Disney World has just started a trial program that allows guests to bring dogs to four of the resorts. I did a little digging and found out that this program is meant to last for one year after which they will make a final decision about whether to keep it going or to stop it. Read more


Disney with Special Needs: Keeping the Spirit Alive

I am always ready for a Disney World vacation. Always. Like, I could climb in the car right now and head to Florida and be the happiest person ever. Well, when I could get over the initial panic that I always feel when I’m traveling more than 30 minutes away from my home. Then. Then I would be the happiest person ever. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. I can’t just wake up and decide that today would be a good day to visit the Mouse, and that means that there are stretches of time when I have to just settle for keeping the spirit alive in my heart. Read more


Disney with Special Needs: SURPRISE!

So if you’ve been with me you know that my family had been planning a trip to Disney World for Thanksgiving week, and last week you learned the devastating news that the trip had to be postponed until spring. I’ve been doing my best to process it and not be absolutely crushed, and one way that I’ve done that is to think about our past trips and how they have all be different, but fabulous. One that keeps coming to mind is the year that I surprised the little one with a trip a couple weeks before Christmas. It was truly wonderful and I love the memories that we made not just once we got there, but during the ride as the surprise started to unfold. Read more


Disney with Special Needs: Dealing with Disappointment

The air is getting (kind of) cool. The evenings are getting crisp. Leaves are starting to get that orange, red, and gold fabulousness that happens at this time of year. And pumpkin spice everything is filling the shelves of every store, market, gas station. It’s finally fall!

And we know what that means! I’ll be heading to Disney World in two months!


Yep. You read that right. Wrong. Read more
