As I’ve said many times, I am all about saving money on my Disney vacation, but I also like to know that I am getting the most value out of my trip. Which means that if I don’t want to spend most of my time standing in lines, then I need to do some planning. Now I totally understand that not everyone likes or wants to plan a lot for their vacation…but at Walt Disney World, having a great trip means you have to do “some” planning. So today, I’m talking about the “Disney Vacation Planning Bare Minimum”. 🙂 Read more
disney advanced dining reservations
Thrifty Thursday: Do You REALLY Need ADRs?
“So you’re going to Walt Disney World in 4 months, how wonderful! Have you made your dining reservations yet?”
And so starts a conversation that I have had many times with folks who are planning their first Disney vacation. The puzzled look I usually get in return, as they try to figure out why on earth any sane person would make dining reservations months in advance, always makes me chuckle….because at this point, I don’t have the heart to tell them there have been times that I have gotten up at 6 a.m. for 4 straight days trying to book our dining reservations… and of course, I am doing the same for my clients as well. 🙂 Read more