Exploring Disney: Getting the Most Out of Character Interactions

If you’re anything like me or my kids, you get a little starstruck after waiting for an hour in line and it’s finally your turn to have a 1:1 conversation with your favorite Disney character. I go into it knowing that the awkward photo will someday become a priceless memento so we smile and nod before striking a couple of different poses and moving along. Generally afterwards, I’m left thinking, “why did we wait in line all that time and then not even say anything?” The characters are probably asking themselves the same thing. Bo-ring! Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Meeting the Characters!

15418321_10154244147701234_7446309891458129382_oThis last week, we took 2 of our grandchildren to Walt Disney World! This was their first experience doing anything like this and to say it was overwhelming for them would be quite the understatement. Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Disney Character Meet and Greet

11754914_10153215688109821_1279617048411358205_oMeeting characters is often on a to-do list when visiting Walt Disney World. When planning your Fast Pass plus reservations, there are several character meet and greets available. However, those may not be all the characters you were hoping for. I have heard guests ask cast members several times where a certain character is. I have also observed cast members checking their pocket schedule to find the answer. Read more


Cast Member’s Corner: Your Favorite Character Is Just Around The Riverbend

Have you ever gone to the Walt Disney World parks looking for one particular character?  You go around and around the park and either just miss them or have no idea where to find them?  Trust me it happens all the time, your little Princess or Pirate just wants a picture with their favorite character and you can’t find them, this can be very frustrating.  I’ve touched on this before, talk to the Cast Members.  They know a lot and can help you, if the Cast Member doesn’t know the exact answer they know how to get you that answer. Read more

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