Packing Tips You Need for Your Next Vacation

It’s almost time for your long-awaited and long-anticipated vacation, but there’s one little thing standing between you and your destination.


While not the most fun part of a trip, in many ways it’s one of the most important. Under-pack and you risk not having something you really need – and then spending vacation souvenir money on an overpriced item that you could have brought from home for free. Over-pack and you could end up paying more for luggage fees on your plane – and end up not using half the stuff you brought. Read more


Changing COVID & Safety Guidelines, and Your Travel Plans

What a difference a year makes (in a good way)! While last year at this time, travel was practically at a standstill, this year it seems that everyone has an upcoming trip planned, or is getting ready to book their next vacation. Increasing vaccinations and relaxing travel guidelines have people feeling optimistic about making up for missing out on their vacations last year, and many destinations and airlines are seeing huge demand as a result.

Still, things aren’t quite “normal” yet when it comes to travel – and so anyone with vacation plans over the upcoming summer will want to know what the “latest” is when it comes to COVID safety. Generally speaking, there are two important things to keep in mind: Read more


Making Multi-Generational Vacation Magic

While there’s a lot that is special about spending some quality time on vacation with extended family – especially after the past year – there are a number of ways that you can make the trip even more special for everyone. Planning shared activities can add to the fun and can also provide additional chances to recall the memories that you’ll create.

While there are unlimited ways to add some magic to your vacation with your family, here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Read more


The Joys and Benefits of Multi-Generational Travel

The idea of sharing quality time with people we love while on a vacation is something that many families think about – and there are some good reasons why that should be! Read more


So What’s Air Travel Currently Like? Follow These Tips for the Next Time You Fly

Photo via Flickr user Pylon757

So you’re ready to start traveling again, and you’ll be flying to your destination. But if this will be your first flight experience since COVID happened, be prepared that things have changed a bit since you last were on an airplane. Knowing what to expect – and how to continue to protect yourself and your family are important, so let’s chat about that today. Read more
