Dining at Walt Disney World: Top 10 Snacks on the Disney Dining Plan

 I was thinking (or dreaming is more like it) about my upcoming trip to Walt Disney World. This is the first trip we will have the Disney Dining Plan (Quick Service). The deal with the “Stay, Play, and Dine” discount was too good to pass up. While I was researching what was included on the dining plan, I wanted to make a list of my top 10 snacks I must have/try on our trip. So here we go! Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Off-season vs. Peak Season = Discounts!

Yes, Virginia, the mouse has off-season dates!  How about having the “magic” at a discount?  Besides the cost there is another advantage to off –season Disney trips – less crowds in the parks!  The parks during Disney’s off-season times are just less crowded so if you happen to be the adult Mouseketeer, home school, or can pull your kiddos out of school for a few days be sure to look into going to Disney during the off-season dates.  Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Goal for 2014 ~ Saving for Disney!

Now that the glow of our most recent Disney trip as waned and the throes of Christmas have slowed, the New Year looms ahead!  Personally, I do not like New Year resolutions, because I never keep them!  I usually break them within the first two weeks.  Sooooo…. I set up New Year goals the week after Christmas to be effectively in place January 1.  Goals can be for anything you want to accomplish during the New Year.  It doesn’t matter what area of your life the goals focus.  Like dieting, you know you are going to fall off that diet and sneak that chocolate at least once during that long journey to your ideal weight.  When it happens, you eat that chocolate, you enjoy it and you move back on to the carrots and spinach salads again.  It works the same way when you have the Dream Disney trip planned.  Dream Disney can be a goal that you turn into reality with little or no guilt!   Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Holiday Magic Found in the Resorts!

 Since I just returned from a glorious week at Disney World, I thought I would share one of my favorite free magical activities during the holiday season!  Although, the resorts are wonderful to tour all year round, during the holiday season they are just extra special!  We spent a whole day just going around the resorts to see the various decorations. Read more
