Thrifty Thursday: More Fun-filled Days while Saving Time at Disney!

I’m back to talk a bit more about some tips that will only enhance your fun at Disney by giving you back more time!  Last time, I mentioned watching the waiting in line, counters, extra magic hours, Fast Pass +, avoiding peak hours, utilizing standby and single rider lines, and the Undercover Tourist app.  Today, let’s cover a few more time-saving tips so you can have even more fun and less frustration at Disney! Read more


Affordable Disney Vacations: Your Vacation Budget Puzzle

I started off this Disney vacation budget mini-series last time by talking about making a budget right at the beginning, because I really think that it is easier to decide what you can spend first…and then plan a vacation to meet that budget. I always tell folks that there are 3 basic keys to making an affordable Disney vacation happen: planning, budgeting, and an open mind. With these three things guiding you, you can really take all the aspects of a Disney vacation and change each as needed until you have a vacation you can afford.

In fact, I like to think of it as putting the pieces of a puzzle together to create a beautiful picture. In this case that picture is your dream of a Disney vacation only with this puzzle there is no right way to put those pieces together! The only right way is the one that makes your dream a reality! Saving money on a Disney vacation is about choices and in some instances, trade-offs: if you want or need to spend more in one area, then work to reduce costs in another. Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Disney World Pressed Coins

With airlines charging for luggage, inexpensive souvenirs can become expensive. For example, if they are heavy they can make your suitcase over weight. Or if they are too big to fit, you have to buy another piece of luggage. That being said, I suggest one of my favorite souvenirs, pressed coins. Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Saving Time at Disney is Thrifty Too!


Being penny wise but pound foolish applies to having a thrifty Disney Vacation.  If you save all the money in the world then spend all your time waiting in lines, traveling between parks, waiting in lines, you get the idea.  Wasted time eats up Disney magic!  So let’s not waste any more times with clichés here, let’s save some time for more fun at Disney! Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Romance on the Boardwalk

 This is the week of Love!  February 14 can be daunting even for Disney lovers!  So keeping with the theme of Thrifty Thursday, let’s talk about love at Disney World, but wait, we aren’t even going into a Disney Park this week.  I know you are scratching your head at this but seriously, if you are in driving distance or happen to be at Disney for Valentine’s Day, you do not have to buy one of the Disney Romance packages to win your Valentine’s heart.  Read more
