A 3-5-7-10 or 14 Day Disney World Vacation…Which One Are You Taking?

First an update on our 14 day Disney trip in September…

Close, yet so far away…..that’s how we feel about the countdown to our Disney World vacation!! It’s all we can do to keep from pulling the suitcases out and start packing!  We HAVE made our “things to pack” list…and have checked it twice…okay…more like 50 times…and we’ve bought a few things here and there for the trip just to make ourselves feel better about the wait!  Just knowing there is a little pile of “trip stuff” in the guest bedroom makes the waiting easier to bear!  We go over our itinerary at LEAST once a week…tweaking it here and there…and sometimes changing it back to the way we originally had it…LOL..but this makes us feel like we are doing SOMETHING Disney related on a regular basis…to help us get by until we head out to our favorite destination…Disney World!! Read more


The Joys of Disney World in the Fall

Well, we are less than 3 months out from our Disney World vacation and it can’t get here soon enough!

Choosing when to go to Disney can often be the hardest decision that has to be made when planning your vacation.  Aside from the obvious obstacles, (ie school, weather, cost) most people worry about the crowds.  My husband and I have vacationed at Disney World during each season and have enjoyed each for different reasons.  For us, just being at Disney World is an incredible and exciting time, so ANY time we get to go we’re EXTREMELY happy!  But we DO have our favorite time of the year to go and that is during the fall.  Let me explain and I hope that I can offer tips for you when that daunting choice of when to visit faces YOUR family. Read more


The 180 Day Disney Planning Withdrawal

Hotel Reservations…Check, Dining Reservations…Check, Waiting patiently for September…NOT!!

Now comes the hard part…with very little left to do after months of planning…my husband Henry and I don’t know what to do with ourselves!!  After hours upon hours of deciding where to stay, where to eat, which parks have extra magic hours on what days, what times
the parades and shows start, making daily schedules to ensure we get as much in each day as we can…it almost becomes a full time job!!  We basically eat, sleep and breath Disney for months….and then 180 days out…we make our dining reservations and BOOM….we’re
finished until trip time! Read more


Countdown to Disney in the Fall!

Editor: Welcome to Julie, our newest writer! Julie will be periodically sharing her “trip-planning journey” with us, as she works on planning her next visit. She’s very excited and, well…..I’ll let her tell you the rest…🙂

MICKEY, HERE WE COME….I LOVE how that sounds!!  My husband (Henry) and I are in the process of  planning our 2 week Disney World vacation coming up this September… ….can we say EXCITED???  That would be putting it mildly!!  Read more
