Terrific Tuesdays: The Boardwalk at Walt Disney World

A nostalgic, Atlantic City type resort that is truly beautiful!

Let’s face it a Disney vacation can be anything but relaxing.  Take a look at the last three years of my (week long) trips.  Between the three trips there were eighteen nights spent on property, and we entered the parks 20 days.  This means we entered the parks on the days we arrived and the days we were checking out.  Last year we we finally worked a day into our plans that included a “day off,” where we committed to not going into a park…however since my parents were traveling with us one evening they kept the kids so we could have a “Disney Date Night” and the hubs and I ended up going over to watch Illuminations and getting a treat after our dinner.   Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: A Great Day for Racing

Being a native of the Hoosier state (Indiana), racing just seems to be in our blood about like basketball is.  Every May there is hype and excitement all around the city of Indianapolis due to the “greatest spectacle in racing,” the Indianapolis 500.  The Tomorrowland Speedway takes on the look of many aspects from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  It is, literally, fun for the whole family.  Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Lights, Motor, Action!

Whether it’s blazing hot or cool, completely enjoyable weather, your feet can always use a break while visiting Disney World.  One of the shows that we most enjoy is at Hollywood Studios: Lights, Motor, Action! is all the way in the back so sometimes it can get overlooked, however it is a must see for my kiddos so we do it often.   Read more


Terrific Tuesday: It’s a Small World, a Must-Do Classic

If you ask anyone who has been to Disney World at least once they will, inevitably, remember “It’s a Small World;” generally followed with “I had that song stuck in my head for days.”  Read more


Terrific Tuesday’s: Candelight Processional at Epcot

If you want to jump-start your Christmas season or get more into the season visiting the Candlelight Processional is a perfect way to do it.  I had never even heard of it until we moved to Florida this past June, but I immediately knew that I wanted to see it.  Read more
