Disney with Little Ones: Don’t Fear That Road Trip

Having a couple of  boys, I get a little anxious if travel plans don’t go as smoothly as anticipated. Patience at these ages (okay, mine too) only lasts so long and car rides become really miserable for everyone when young children are unhappy or bored. Not so long ago we hesitantly made the decision to drive from Indiana to the Florida panhandle – a total of 11 hours drive time in normal traffic. Although this is still several hours from Disney World, I discovered that with some preparation, a lengthy drive is completely manageable. The experience gave me enough confidence to know that if we drive to Disney World for our next magical vacation, we will survive. Read more


Thrifty Thursday: Ready to Go to Disney

‘Tis the day before leaving, I am checking my list   
Combining Christmas and travel, hope there’s nothing I’ve missed
Our bags are packed and ready, I’ve stopped the mail and news  
I have pen in hand and I’m checking off to-dos Read more
