Exploring Disney: Going on a Safari

One of my must do’s in Disney’s Animal Kingdom is Kilimanjaro Safari which is located in the Africa section of the park. On this ride, you’ll set off in an open-air vehicle for a guided tour of an African savanna—and have the chance to spot all kinds of live animals roaming free! Read more


Exploring Disney: Back in Time With the Dinosaurs

Are you ready for a secret mission? One that you may or may not return from? Are you brave enough to stand up to some scary dinosaurs – and bring one home with you? If so, then head over to DINOSAUR in Disney’s Animal Kingdom for the ride of your life! Read more


Exploring Disney: Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain

Walt Disney has mastered the art of entertaining guests as they stand in line (or queue if you prefer). Yes, you are in line, so why not have something to do rather than standing there waiting? Expedition Everest is a great example of how to entertain guests  while immersing them into the story line during the wait. Read more


Exploring Disney: Channeling Your Inner Paleontologist

You’ve heard the old cliche about the the doctors who can only imagine their children will follow in their footsteps and be doctors or lawyers, only to have them become artists. Well, my family is the opposite. Hubby and I are both artists, making our living with writing, dancing, acting, and voice artistry, so we imagined our little princess growing up loving all things art. Of course she wants to be a scientist and doctor.

While this isn’t exactly our path in life, we want her to be her little self, so we encourage her to learn whatever she wants to — which is great since she’s homeschooled. One topic she is particularly interested in is dinosaurs. She has loved them since she was just bitty, and continues to think they are just amazing. Since we’ve been going to Disney, I’ve been looking forward to bringing her on Dinosaur, and when we go in September, the time will finally be here! Read more


Terrific Tuesdays: Dinosaur

15000615_10154171322591234_7992363551897428451_oIf I say Countdown to Extinction, do you know which ride I am referring to? When Animal Kingdom and Dinosaur first opened in April 1998, Dinosaur was called Countdown to Extinction. It stayed that until May of 2000 when it was changed to Dinosaur to coincide with the movie release of the same name, although the movie isn’t as intense as the ride itself. Read more
